Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hearing God's voice

The chapter we are studying in

What Happens When Women Say Yes to God
Hearing God's Voice...
God wants us to live in expectation of hearing from Him.

Thursday I saw this on a facebook status:

If quantity is an indication, Jesus takes our fear seriously. Number 1 statement he made repeatedly: "Don't be afraid!" -Max Lucado

That same day I read from What Happens When Women Say Yes to God:

"Do not fear.  Remember how I faced the devil in the wilderness, and how I conquered with the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. You too have your quick answer for every fear that evil may answer of faith and confidence in Me. Where possible say it aloud. the spoken word has power. Look on ever fear not as a weakness on your part due to illness or worry, but as a very real temptation to be attacked and overthrown.  Does the way seem a stony one? Not one stone can impede your progress. courage. Face the future, but face it only with a brave and happy heart. do not seek to see it.  You are robbing Faith of her sublime sweetness if you do this. Just know that all is well and that Faith, not seeing but believing, is what will bear you to safety over the stormy waters."
~~A.J. Russell

I had not even realized that I what I had been feeling over some things was fear. But as God spoke to my heart these two times it became clear that I was hearing Him say I was living in fear. I am to stop living in fear and to live trusting Him.  I want to live this way... with faith and confidence in Him.

God wants all of us to live expecting to hear from Him. I love that He spoke to me about something I really had no idea I was living in. I say yes to living in faith instead of fear! 

Today my sister, a missionary in Hoduras, heard God while she was doing her laundry. Read her post here Precious in His Sight  You will be blessed!

Listen in expectation of hearing God speak.  It can change your life!

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Say yes...

Ladies Bible study has started!!! Lisa TerKeurst says, "Do you want to experience life in extraordinary ways? Then see what happens when you say yes to God! Embrace simple obedience and watch it transform your life into a remarkable journey.  Say yes and discover the blessings God has planned for you." As I was encouraging the ladies at the first class I told them we would all have stories to share of times that we said Yes to God and how our lives would be changed through this. I left thinking that I sure hoped I would have some stories but could not imagine what they might be.

The title of the first chapter is A Soul That Longs for More...Whatever God Says Do, Do It!

This morning on the way to church God brought a young man's name to my mind. This young man has been looking for a job for some time. I knew I was to pray for him. As I prayed I thought I wished I had brought some food to give him.  Immediately I heard the Lord speak to my heart. This was our conversation:

God: Give him $20
Me: Lord I really don't have an extra $20 to give.
God: Give him $20.
Me: I have enough money to pay the bill I owe.
God: Give him $20.  You will have enough left.
Me: I don't think he will even be there this morning.
God: Give him $20.
Me: Ok, if I see him I will give him $20. (totally doubted that I would see him)

I walked into church and began talking to a friend. Up walked the young man I had been praying for. My friend was called away and I was left standing with him. I knew what to do. I reached in my purse and pulled out $20. (rarely do I have cash). As I handed it to him I told him the Lord told me I was to give it to him. I also told him that God loved him and cared about his situation and that I would continue to pray for him to find a job. I know he was blessed but I was too. Hearing God and doing what He said this morning brought me peace and joy...and excitement to see what else He is going to ask me to do. 

I am anticipating wonderful stories from the ladies in class who are willing to say YES to God!  What is your story?

Psalm 16:7-9
 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I keep my eyes always on the LORD.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Long time friends ...

I love when friends visit.  I especially love when long time friends come.  It is like we were never separated and after our welcome hug we begin talking as if we were just continuing a conversation we had the day before. Our friends flew here from Minnesota to attend the Kari Jobe CD Release Worship concert.  They brought their granddaughter Maddy.  She loves Kari's music, is a worship leader herself, and was so excited to come.  Stacy was able to get front row seats for them and meeting Kari was a surprise for Maddie!

If you are not familiar with Kari's worship music you will want to check her out here: Kari Jobe

We had to have lunch at a Mexican restaurant...their favorite food!

Love the days we spent together and can hardly wait for another visit with them!

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